Hi Michael,

> I need a variable %bootdevice% (or w/e) pointing to the current
> session's boot device (A:\ or C:\).

Nice :-)

> Is there such a variable or can you tell me how to set
> this variable automatic in batch?

I do not remember one, but it is extremely easy to do:

Run the bootdev.txt file shown below once:

a cs:100
mov     ax,3305
int     21
add     dl,40
mov     [0118],dl
mov     ah,09
mov     dx,0118
int     21
mov     ax,4c00
int     21
db "?:",0d,0a,"$"

r cx
n bootdev.com

Note the empty line before "r cx".

X:\>debug < bootdev.txt
Writing 001D bytes.

Now you can use the following command:

X:\>set /e bootdevice=bootdev

Bootdev.com simply prints a string like "C:",CR,LF
which is then stored in a variable, as you can see:

X:\>echo %bootdevice%

FreeCOM and CMD support SET /E, not sure about
other / older command.com variants here.


PS: A similar trick can be done with my GETARGS tool
to fetch MEMDISK "Linux kernel options" (memdisk is
booted like Linux) into a variable inside DOS ;-).

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