> website: http://au.geocities.com/short_stop_pacific/freesoft/system.htm
> look for ESCAPE / BREAK (documentation, binary and source)
> it's an TSR which provides to quit any application, those without quit
> button and also hanging applications.
> In MS-DOS 7.1 with no config.sys/autoexec.bat it works.
> With FreeDOS kernel 2038 it hangs, shows short some weird chars and then
> black screen.

Well, I suppose it reentered DOS (that is, DOS-C) at the wrong time. It  
checks whether a key was pressed on hardware interrupt 08h (Timer) instead  
of Int09 (Keycode send), probably because too many programs overwrite  
Int09 so that won't be reliable. The major problem of this is that it  
doesn't check InDOS (flag that shows if DOS is busy) and then might call  
DOS when it isn't ready. I don't know why this weird method works fine in  
MS-DOS though.

Does the crash always occur? Does it show rather random characters or are  
they always the same? Which application do you abort?


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