On Wednesday 08 April 2009 19:59 (CEST), usul wrote:
> Does freedos/fat/dos store the files date and time information properly.
> Perhaps we could go by newer file instead of messages. 

Definitely a bad idea. Download any translation file from my website. What 
timestamps do you get? Hint: HTTP doesn't provide that information along with 
transmitted data... Not in a reliable way at least.

> The newer 
> version of something may have less after some cleanup.

Right, but if you ask me, I would say that old messages should stay anyway, 
even if not used in newer version of the software. That way the translation 
file is still compatible with previous versions of the program.

Best regards,
Mateusz Viste

> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Mateusz Viste <mate...@viste-family.net> 
> wrote:
> > On Wednesday 08 April 2009 15:17 (CEST), Roberto Mariottini wrote:
> >> In particular you can find the translations of DISKCOPY, MOVE, SORT and
> >> TREE.
> >
> > Cool, I grabed them just now :)
> >
> >> Can you indicate the version at the beginning of the EN file? It's
> >> easier for me to know what is changed between revisions, so what needs
> >> to be updated.
> >
> > It doesn't depend on me, but on the file's translator... Personally, I 
> > don't know which translation is made for which version, as the CAT/Kitten 
> > standard do not require any versionning information. I am simply comparing 
> > how much messages there are in file A and file B (assuming that the one 
> > which has more is the most up to date).
> >
> >> About Freecom: I suppose that CVS version "1.34 2004/12/01 21:20:46" is
> >> the same as SVN "Revision 1067**
> >
> > No idea.
> >
> >> How comes that the ES translation is more up-to date that
> >> the EN one?
> >
> > As said previously - I am only comparing number of messages in the file 
> > (these numbers are also written in the source page of my website...).
> > spanish.lng has 254 translated strings, while english.lng has only 182...
> >
> >> I don't know if they are still useful, let me know.
> >
> > I don't know either. I is a question which you should send to the 
> > freedos-installer guy (whoever it is, dunno if there are somebody working 
> > on the 1.1 installer at all...)
> >
> > see you!
> > Mateusz Viste
> >
> >
> >> Mateusz Viste wrote:
> >> > Hi all!
> >> >
> >> > It has been a long time that the "poor translation management" was 
> >> > bothering me. There is no easy way to know what needs to be translated, 
> >> > and what is already translated but not shipped with the package for 
> >> > whatever reason.
> >> >
> >> > I worked a moment today on a new project: The FreeDOS localisation 
> >> > project:
> >> >
> >> > http://www.viste-family.net/mateusz/fdlang/
> >> >
> >> > I think that such centralized translation point could greatly improve 
> >> > FreeDOS translations, as people would know exactly what has to be 
> >> > translated, where to check wheter any translations for a given program 
> >> > has been made, and where to send any self-made translations.
> >> >
> >> > Don't hesitate to send me any translations you have, which aren't listed 
> >> > on my website!
> >> >
> >> > Best regards,
> >> > Mateusz Viste
> > --
> > You'll find my public OpenPGP key at 
> > http://www.viste-family.net/mateusz/pub_key
You'll find my public OpenPGP key at http://www.viste-family.net/mateusz/pub_key

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