HI Michael,

thanks a lot for the detailed answer!

>> 1. When I try to copy a file with a long filename in Filezilla to the
>> FreeDOS machine mTCP ftpsrv will not store it. Instead it responds
>> with "550 Bad path". Filezilla translates this to "Critical error". In
>> comparison, WATT32 ftpsrv32 stores it anyway and lets FreeDOS cut the
>> name.
> I aggressively parse the file and path to ensure that they are valid
> and are not going to cause buffer overruns. I'm kind of paranoid about
> buffer overruns, especially since so many versions of DOS can be used.
> (I've tested on everything from PC 2.1 up to DOSBox's emulation of
> DOS.) I could truncate the requested filename, but I think that
> returning the error is the more proper thing to do.

I think users will like that your server takes good care of the data 
and doesn't loose or damage them. This is an important thing. On the 
other hand, most people will connect to the FTP server from more 
popular operating systems than DOS. So it is likely they use long 
filenames. A server that gives them the option to automatically 
truncate the filenames to 8.3 would spare them the work of renaming 
the files by hand.
>> 2. Another behaviour I saw: Successfully copied files are sometimes
>> not listed automatically in the right window with the files on the
>> server in Filezilla. So sometimes I have to push the refresh button.
> A comparison of the trace from an FTP server that works and mTCP would
> tell me what is going wrong.

I will try to do that, when I am back home. For the next week I am 
working in a different city (Dresden).
>> 3. Filezilla seems to show a random date of the files I copied to the
>> server (neither the original date nor the actual one). If I stop the
>> server and check them in FreeDOS the copied files have the actual date.
> This probably requires a trace too, although it pleases me greatly
> that the file timestamps are correct. Have you tried using another FTP
> client to "peek in" while FTPSRV and Filezilla are still active?

I will also do that.

>> 4. If I try to copy a file that already exists on the server, ftpsrv
>> responds with "553 File exists already" which causes Filezilla to stop
>> the transfer and say "Critical error". By default Filezilla should
>> open its dialogue window which asks if I want to overwrite, rename or
>> keep the duplicate on the server.
> Well, the file does exist. The proper action is to delete the file on
> the server first, and then start again. I could be wrong but if the
> ftpserver just clobbered files (overwrite) without complaining that
> would lead to more problems with partial files overlaying good ones.

Normally there is a Filezilla dialog box, that deals with the problem. 
As I understand it, the solution works like this: When a file already 
exists on the server, Filezilla should get a notification about that 
("File exists already"), open that box and then either abort the 
upload, rename the file or order the ftpserver to replace the file.

>> BTW I have updated the mtcp files in the virtualbox image at
>> http://lazybrowndog.net/freedos/virtualbox/
> Thanks! I refer people to that fairly often - it is a good FreeDOS and
> networking sampler.

Yes, I put a lot of effort in it. It should people help to try out DOS 
networking without having too much work with it.

Now that mTCP is Free Software, I think the next version of FreeDOS 
should focus on getting basic networking abilities.

kind regards
Ulrich Hansen

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