Op 1-10-2011 4:35, Eduardo Casino schreef:
> Hi everybody,

hi Eduardo, nice work. Just had a little test run.

> I'm pleased to announce the availability of the first version of
> VMSMOUNT, an installable file system for DOS that allows access to
> VMware's shared folders as a normal drive letter:

Apparently not (yet) as a normal drive letter, instead *under* a 

Helpscreen is also messy (do a cleanboot by F5 or F8, then execute 
VMSMOUNT and see all the environment warning texts kinda concatenated 
instead of each their own line)

What I was missing in the documentation is how to create/set a shared 
* select a non-active virtual machine
* click "Edit virtual machine settings"
* go to tab named "options"
* click Shared Folders
* selected ENABLED
* bottom-right, click ADD
* select a directory on your host's filesystem
* think of a name you'd like to show this directory as to guest

Couldn't find a list of errorlevels either.
0 seems to be Succes (and/or help screen)
4 seems to be Shared Folders feature not enabled at all
5 seems to be Invalid Syntax (VMSMOUNT X: --> VMSMOUNT /L:X)
6 seems to be Already Loaded

Probably some errorlevels as well for:
* no vmware
* wrong dos

> * Free (GPL)

SHSUCDX might not be opensource despite having sources, so hope it 
served as inspiration only. Getting tricky otherwise.

What might be usefull, just as in SHSUCDX and some other applications 
nowadays, is to return errorlevels based on assigned driveletter
(A=1, Z=26) with generic errors having an errorlevel above that (250+ 
seems popular somehow) and a helpscreen having errorlevel 0.

Benefit of that is being able to detect the assigned driveletter in a 

> * Complete, read-write implementation

Awesome. How are files beyond filesystem limitations handled? 2GB+ files 
shared through host to a non-FAT32 kernel for example. Or 4GB+ shared to 
a FAT32 DOS guest.

> * Unicode - DOS codepage translation for filenames
> * Fully localized with Kitten (currently English and Spanish,
> translations are welcome)

couldn't find an external language file to translate. Are external files 
supported at runtime (kitten) or compile-time only? Or maybe even both 
as MEM once had, implemented by David o' Shea.

> This should be considered a beta version and, as such, may contain
> bugs that could cause data loss, so use with caution. Please read and
> agree with the license file before using it.

I haven't looked at sourcecode, nor do I know how to properly interpret 
it, but guessing something like this happens:
[1] check if current operating system is supported
[2] check if Shared Folders ability is exposed (thus running under 
supported version of VMware)
[3] Assign driveletter if [3] succeeded
[4] Attach all Shared Folders share names as folders under this 
driveletter. Funny if Sharing enabled but 0 shares enabled.
[5] Exit succesfully

I'm not fully aware of how flexible these shared folders are, have 
almost never used them. If it's one-time only mapping (without removing, 
modifying and attaching again) I guess it might work like this:

A) No Shared Folders ability: do nothing
B) Shared Folders ability, but no shares enabled: do nothing
C) 1 Shared Folder: mount share name as the drive, instead of as a 
folder under it.
D) 2 or more shared folders: assign driveletter, mount shares under it.
    (or each share its own driveletter, depending on your design decisions)
E) exit with errorlevel corresponding to driveletter

Basically I dislike typing a share's name when looking for files.

> Get it from http://eduardocasino.es/files/vmsmount.zip
> I'll provide FreeDOS packages and an LSM file in the following days.

Thanks for your work in this, it's already completely usable, quite nice 
for a 0.1 version :)
Even DOS device names exist, unlike most installable file drivers / 
redirectors / TSRs.

> Best,
> Eduardo.

hope my (extensive) feedback is usefull.


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