Op 2-10-2011 0:45, Bernd Blaauw schreef:

see inline, silly ISPs at time blocking mails..


> Op 2-10-2011 0:04, Eduardo Casino schreef:
>> Wow, that's feedback! :-)
> np, at times I tend to know what I want out of usefull things.
>> See below, this was intentional.
> Pity, as DOS is horrible at working with driveletters. "Make a single
> shared folder, name it anything you want, and the batch script will find
> the files contained in the share once you run VMSMOUNT".
> @echo off
> set drives=A B C D .. Z
> vmsmount.exe
> if errorlevel 27 goto end
> for %%x in ( %drives% ) do if errorlevel H%%x set vmdrive=%%x:
> echo Shared Folder detected and assigned driveletter %vmdrive%
> if exist %vmdrive%\FDBOOTCD.ISO echo FreeDOS ISO found at
> %vmdrive%\FDBOOTCD.ISO
> if exist %vmdrive%\FDOS\FDBOOTCD.ISO echo ISO at \FDOS
> if exist %vmdrive%\SETUP.BAT echo SETUP at %vmdrive%
>> Well, that's in the VMware Player manual ;-)
> Who reads manuals, right? :)
>> Now documented in the README
> Looking great (with a typo above at unicode.orgw somehow)
>> Done.
> Great, see above for (pseudo) detection code for inside batchfiles.
> I'm not sure the batchfiles I'm using would be directory proof (for
> example SETUP.BAT assuming it's at root of drive instead of in a
> subdirectory).
> As mentioned earlier, I'd prefer if only a single share, to have it as
> the driveletter. Much easier for scripts as I've got no clue how to work
> with directories:
> for %%x in ( list_of_dirs ) do echo Found dir: %%x
> (which won't work)
>> External files are supported at runtime. They are only needed during
>> driver initialisation.
> rem load
> rem errormessage in EN? in NL?
>> This is how it works in any other OS. In Linux, all shares are mounted
>> under the same mount point and in Windows under the same letter.
>> I think it is a VMware's design feature. The idea is that, when the
>> player detects that the guest additions are installed, you can add,
>> remove, enable or disable shares when the machine is running and this
>> is much easier if all shares are under a single mount point.
> So VMware creates a driveletter as well inside the guest even if 0
> shares? I'm thinking more along the lines of SUBST:
> example SUBST X: C:\DOWNLOAD
> ergo VMSMOUNT /L:X
> (where it doesn't matter what the share's name is)
> so in both cases I'd see files by
>> This is not the case with vmsmount because I'm yet to find how to
>> register with the virtual machine as a guest addition and you need to
>> power off the VM to modify the shared folders configuration, but this
>> will change eventually.
> Are all shares automatically mounted? Or can you specify which ones
> you'd like? (inside the guest I mean, not as virtual machine config)
>>> Even DOS device names exist, unlike most installable file drivers /
>>> redirectors / TSRs.
>>> (IF EXIST X:\NUL echo YES)
>> I'm not sure if this is a feature or a bug :P I'll look into it.
> No idea either. Thanks for the improvements so far.

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