On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 4:41 PM, nweissma <nweis...@verizon.net> wrote:
> PROLEGOMENA: i'm a noob.
> kudos: your instructions are understandable, unlike others that i've
> grappled with (and lost). Many Thanks for Your Efforts.
> i was successfully following your instructions until
> http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/freedos/index.php?title=VirtualBox_-_Chapter_6
> where it reads:
>> Type "auto" to edit AUTOEXEC.BAT again.
>> Remove the REM before the line "DHCP".
>> That means the mTCP DHCP client is started at every boot to update your
>> clients network settings.
>> Reboot
>> You should see boot messages like this one:
> your instructions don't say how to 'reboot' .. being a noob, i tried
> entering "reboot" -- and it seemed to work  -- mentioned something about
> "warm reboot" -- and then hung. how can i get passed this point?
> i suspect that chapter 8 also has relevance because i recall seeing the
> white-on-black screen shown in the instructions.

You describe 2 problems, which I'll tackle separately:

1. How to reboot?

Oops, we don't actually describe how to reboot, do we? Entering the
'REBOOT' command will do the job, so that's good. You can also just go
into the VirtualBox controls and "manually" reboot the virtual machine
there. DOS is a very simple operating system, so rebooting by doing a
"reset" or "power off/on" is fine.

2. Why does FreeDOS hang during reboot?

The answer to this depends on what FreeDOS is trying to do when it hangs:

If FreeDOS hangs when it's trying to load UIDE support, then the
problem is likely with the chipset setting in VirtualBox. This is
described in chapter 8.

If FreeDOS hangs when it is trying to load the packet driver, and
gives a "Device not found" message, then unfortunately this is the
*other* chipset setting in VirtualBox. This is also described in
chapter 8.

Which error message do you see when it hangs? What is the last line of
text in the boot sequence before things stop?

As a debugging step, try booting FreeDOS without drivers (using the
boot menu.) FreeDOS should at least bring up a "C:\>" prompt. If that
works, try commenting out the "UIDE" line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
Reboot - if FreeDOS boots normally this time, then the problem is with
the first chipset setting in VirtualBox. Or, just try running without
UIDE, and see if networking comes up.


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