>> You are WRONG, Tom!!
> Is he ? or are you being RUDE, Jack?

Tom could have written me privately, before publicly saying UIDE
assumes change-line support, but did not.   I responded in kind!

> Not Tom, but I'd like to learn from /what exact source/ you got the  
> definition for those bits.

My error; the byte accessed by UIDE is 0:48Fh as I noted earlier,
when I also noted the "BIOS Central" website as my source.

> Now, puhlease! don't feel accused - I'm sure you did not make those bits  
> up and that they work in your test machines and even for the bulk of  
> your users.  That you wait for users' complaints before checking the  
> soundness of your assumptions is another question entirely.

Unless "BIOS Central" posts incorrect data, my assumptions WERE sound!

> You are entitled to choose any method that works on recent gear if you
> find it convenient.

Thank you, and so I shall keep UIDE/UIDE2 as-is.

> But rather than pretending to support floppies on the whole range of
> DOS-capable PCs, and claiming that those that do not conform to your  
> model are junk (or is it the users' fault ?) - you /must/ find a way to  
> programmatically assert that your far from universal method /will/ work  
> and take measures otherwise. IMHO you can't leave it to the (clueless,  
> always...) user to assert his or her PC is not conforming to UIDE's  
> model.

There is NOTHING wrong with "UIDE's model", unless you can positively
REFUTE the data provided by "BIOS Central", which is what I used back
in 2006 when I added caching to my drivers.   They have worked on all
"hardware" PCs since then, so I shall NOT assume to be using any "far
 from universal" method.   And, I say again:  Hardware change-lines do
work, have since 1985, and any which do not are a MAINTENANCE problem
for the user, NOT any reason to re-engineer UIDE.

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