Lainaus Rugxulo <>:

* Hi,
* On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 10:44 AM,  <> wrote:
* >
* >   After a long pause (since late 90:eens) I started again
* > with Autocad. R9 for DOS which I consider the best ever made
* > in 2D/2.5D CAD. (that is mainly explained by excellent
* > digitizer tablet use....)
* >   Shortly... it works. JEMM386 was needed, without it
* > Autocad was somewhat unreliable, it crashed often, no data
* > loss thought.
* You said JEMMEX was used. (But you can probably do without NOINVLPG
* NOVME unless literally using an old 386.) Are you sure you need EMM386
* (or EMS) at all? You could try a different EMS provider like EMSMAGIC
* or such.

- Sorry, somewhat new terms to me, need to study a bit... INVLPG seems
 to be assembler command..? Anyway this machine is pentium, about 10years
 old. I have GRUB dualboot FreeDOS/Slitaz 4.0 Not fast but everything
 works (except Autocad issues..)
   Autocad manual states that EMS is supported. It is recommended
 as CAD programs are memory hungry. (when it comes to those ancient machines
 of 80eens/90eens, DOS 64k was a limitation even to this 2D cad. Of course
 amount of memory itself is no more an issue)
- Thank you mentioning EMSMAGIC, I found information about it, seems to
 be promising.

* > Most problems was solved, one by one, and the first
* > PCB-layouts are now accomplished by using my component libraries,
* > just to mention some. And yes, general CAD do have some advantages
* > over dedicated PCB-CADs on limited designs.
* >   Some weird behaviour still causes troubles and I'll report
* > them as my experience increases to better define these.
* Dare I ask, but what are the hardware / software requirements for this
* particular version of AutoCAD? EMS? 286? And what exact machine
* (family / model / stepping) are you using? Booting native FreeDOS,
* right? No emulators, hypervisors, virtualization, simulation, etc.,
* right?

- AutoCAD products were MSDOS programs of that era those days, (also
 UNIX versions available), I used this version on DOS 6.?? at that time.
 Requirements 286 and  up. This version (AutoCAD R9, v2.7,
 september -87) was the firs to  need arithmetic unit mandatory.
- Native FreeDOS yes, I choose it on start (by GRUB)
- System information shows: Intel board D845GERG2
 Intel BIOS RG84510A.86A.0031.P16.0304111002
  Intel Pentium 4, 2.4GHz

* If you know what kind of .EXE this is (MZ, NE, LE, LX, PE), that might
* prove interesting too. Though more specifically, does it use any kind
* of (internal or external) DOS extender like DOS4GW.EXE or similar?

- I tried to "open" ACAD.EXE by Leafpad editor to see some cleartext.
 The file started <MZÀSâÀi ÿÿõF> so obviously MZ...?, as expected?
- No DOS extender, just JEMMEX, to me to know. I am not sure if I understand
 the difference.

* > For now I am searching a solution to strange speed dependency of serial
* port
* > data flow. Responce to many commands are extremely slow unless I
* > "refresh" the computer by RS232 output (input to computer) by rubbing
* > the surfce of tablet with digitizer pen. Program acceleration is
* > readily seen according to swipe velocity of pen. When sweeping the
* > tablet surface it sends position data to serial port maybe max. some
* > hundreds of points per second. Beyond certain speed the program does
* > not accelerate any further, that may be limited by tablet. (Kurta
* > IS/ONE).
* Maybe this is due to EMM386 (slow I/O port accesses), which is another
* reason to try (real mode TSR) EMSMAGIC.
* > Even at its fastest the speed is still quite low to expectation
* > of that of Pentium prosessor. Clearly slower of what it was at 90:eens
* > when I used it by 33MHz 486 prosessor (on MS-DOS)
* If it's really slower than a 486, that's very bad. I have no idea why
* it would do that. Perhaps it's a conflict with some other TSR you
* loaded later on, dunno. It could even be something about the BIOS.

- On AUTOEXEC.BAT I load KURTA PENSMITH driver for digitizer tablet.
 That might be TSR, I try to find out. I need it but maybe could try
 experimenting with mouse pointer, just to know what happens.
- FYI, when I need openGEM I usually load mouse driver which seems to
 replace digitizer driver and mouse begin to work. Then, when entering
 Autocad its batch file loads digitizer driver again without causing
 conflict. Maybe this tells something... to somebody...?

* >  In general it seems that those commands suffering of slow speed
* > are mostly those related to display calculations (REGEN.. floating point,
* >  badly  and REDRAW... integer, slightly) and also printing (print vector
* > calculation, Autocad displays it progress, easy to observe)
* I doubt floating point has anything to do with it unless you don't
* have an FPU, which is unlikely.

- You right there, since 486DX I didn,t need FPU any more. Display REGENeration
 is one of most "CPU demanding" task so it is just obvious to show
 speed limitation first there.

* > P.S. If any of you are interested my component library, please tell me.
* >     They are open source....
* Anything that is free/libre (four freedoms) is interesting to FreeDOS
* proper, at least as far as mirroring to iBiblio is concerned. Though
* I'm confused, what does your component library do? Either way, it's
* all the same to me. If you think others will find it useful, feel free
* to contribute.

- Maybe I should start a new thread to see if it is more FreeDOS/AutoCAD
 users out there. My component library is so PCB-design specific that I dont
 even know what is the best way to release it. They are software but not
 program code, tighly related to electronics hardware and also there is
 accomplished designs so category is very unclear. I'll come back to that.

     Rauno Ollila

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