On Thu, 30 Apr 2015, Jan Cholasta wrote:

Dne 29.4.2015 v 19:42 Martin Babinsky napsal(a):
The attached patch is a merge of PATCHES 0031-0032 incorporating Simo's
and Martin's suggestions (see e.g.
for reference).


IMHO we should set the environment variable in /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service, instead of providing a new service file, because we are just changing configuration, not creating a new concurrent httpd instance, as is the case with ipa-memcached, and also not using alternative httpd implementation which masks the current one, as is the case with bind-pkcs11. It would simplify the whole thing significantly and it's even recommended in httpd.service to do
I agree.


# For example, to pass additional options (for instance, -D definitions) to the
   # httpd binary at startup, you need to create a file named
   # "/etc/systemd/system/httpd.service" containing:
   #    .include /lib/systemd/system/httpd.service
   #    [Service]
   #    Environment=OPTIONS=-DMY_DEFINE

(BTW I wonder why /etc/sysconfig/httpd support was removed from httpd in Fedora (<http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/httpd.git/commit/?id=0b19f7b6e1a47c6167a8ab43b4a9d1e759b54721>), it seems like a better place to customize environment variables, rather than having to create a modified service file...)
We had discussion with Joe Orton (httpd maintainer) a while ago and his
arguments were following:
Hi guys, we made that change to adopt what is considered "best practice"
for systemd.  The change is not in RHEL7, only Fedora >= 20.

I would not say we are strongly wedded to that change, but the use case
you provide seems very weak.  /etc/sysconfig/httpd is intended to be
user-configurable and if users do "rm -f /etc/sysconfig/httpd" then
Fedora packages should keep working correctly.  Can we find a more
robust way to achieve the same results?  Why is it required that the
environment variable is set globally within /usr/sbin/httpd?

... [and later in dicussion]

I'd argue that in this case you should not be using httpd.service as-is;
instead it would be correct to create an "httpd-ipa.service" unit file
or similar, which can ".include" the system httpd.service, and sets up
the appropriate Environment= (or EnvironmentFile=) directly.

Also, if the intent is to purely to change mod_auth_kerb's interaction
with libkrb5 is there no way to do this via the libkrb API - or
mod_auth_kerb's existing use thereof?

The use of /etc/sysconfig/httpd has historically been a mild PITA and
I'm not seeing a compelling reason to revert the decision to kill it

Anyway, I would prefer if we set it in a way that works on non-systemd distros as well. Can't we just set "GssapiCredStore ccache:FILE:/var/run/httpd/krbcache/krb5ccache" in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa.conf?
It is not just mod_auth_gssapi, it is needed for users of the
credentials obtained by mod_auth_gssapi. mod_auth_gssapi only sets
KRB5CCNAME value when there is delegation of credentials in use and
there is something to delegate.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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