On 09/03/2015 01:40 PM, Lenka Doudova wrote:
> Hi,
> I took a look at it at Milan's request.
> patch 0008 - tracker looks ok, ACK
> patch 0009 - test cases look ok as well, but can't get it to run, 10 out
> of 14 tests fail, starting with internal error, which I haven't been
> able to track down, nor fix it.

You can investigate the internal error by inspecting the
/var/log/httpd/error_log on the IPA server that executed the command.

There should be a traceback.

> Lenka
> =================================== FAILURES
> ===================================
> ____________________ TestProfileCRUD.test_create_duplicate
> _____________________
> self = <ipatests.test_xmlrpc.test_certprofile_plugin.TestProfileCRUD
> object at 0x7f36459e7110>
> user_profile =
> <ipatests.test_xmlrpc.test_certprofile_plugin.CertprofileTracker object
> at 0x7f36459e73d0>
>     def test_create_duplicate(self, user_profile):
>         msg = u'Certificate Profile with name "{}" already exists'
>>       user_profile.ensure_exists()
> ipatests/test_xmlrpc/test_certprofile_plugin.py:178:
> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
> _ _ _ _
> ipatests/test_xmlrpc/ldaptracker.py:169: in ensure_exists
>     self.create(force=True)
> ipatests/test_xmlrpc/ldaptracker.py:206: in create
>     result = command()
> ipatests/test_xmlrpc/ldaptracker.py:127: in run_command
>     result = cmd(*args, **options)
> ipalib/frontend.py:443: in __call__
>     ret = self.run(*args, **options)
> ipalib/frontend.py:761: in run
>     return self.forward(*args, **options)
> ipalib/frontend.py:782: in forward
>     return self.Backend.rpcclient.forward(self.name, *args, **kw)
> ipalib/rpc.py:947: in forward
>     return self._call_command(command, params)
> ipalib/rpc.py:924: in _call_command
>     return command(*params)
> ipalib/rpc.py:1075: in _call
>     return self.__request(name, args)
> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
> _ _ _ _
> self = <ipalib.rpc.JSONServerProxy object at 0x7f36459e71d0>
> name = 'certprofile_import'
> args = (('caIPAserviceCert_mod',), {'all': False, 'description':
> 'Storing copy of a profile', 'file': 'profileId=caIPAservice...sion Default
> policyset.serverCertSet.11.default.params.userExtOID=
> ', 'ipacertprofilestoreissued': True, ...})
>     def __request(self, name, args):
>         payload = {'method': unicode(name), 'params': args, 'id': 0}
>         version = args[1].get('version', VERSION_WITHOUT_CAPABILITIES)
>         payload = json_encode_binary(payload, version)
>         if self.__verbose >= 2:
>             root_logger.info('Request: %s',
>                              json.dumps(payload, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
>         response = self.__transport.request(
>             self.__host,
>             self.__handler,
>             json.dumps(payload),
>             verbose=self.__verbose >= 3,
>         )
>         try:
>             response = json_decode_binary(json.loads(response))
>         except ValueError as e:
>             raise JSONError(str(e))
>         if self.__verbose >= 2:
>             root_logger.info(
>                 'Response: %s',
>                 json.dumps(json_encode_binary(response, version),
>                            sort_keys=True, indent=4)
>             )
>         error = response.get('error')
>         if error:
>             try:
>                 error_class = errors_by_code[error['code']]
>             except KeyError:
>                 raise UnknownError(
>                     code=error.get('code'),
>                     error=error.get('message'),
>                     server=self.__host,
>                 )
>             else:
>>               raise error_class(message=error['message'])
> E               InternalError: an internal error has occurred
> On 08/31/2015 03:25 PM, Fraser Tweedale wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 12:24:13PM +0200, Martin Basti wrote:
>>> On 08/18/2015 04:06 PM, Milan Kubík wrote:
>>>> On 08/11/2015 03:17 AM, Fraser Tweedale wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 11:36:31AM +0200, Milan Kubík wrote:
>>>>>> On 08/05/2015 02:57 PM, Milan Kubík wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi list,
>>>>>>> I'm sending the test plan [1] for certificate profiles and preliminary
>>>>>>> patches for it.
>>>>>>> The plan covers basic CRUD test and some corner cases. I'm open to
>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>> suggestions.
>>>>>>> More complicated tests involving certificate profiles will require the
>>>>>>> code (and tests)
>>>>>>> for CA ACLs merged, so it's not there at the moment.
>>>>>>> There are some unfinished test cases in places I wasn't sure what the
>>>>>>> result should be.
>>>>>>> We need to iterate through these to fix it.
>>>>>>> [1]: http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Certificate_Profiles/Test_Plan
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Milan
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> have you had some time to look at the code and proposal?
>>>>>> Today I want to write a basic CRUD test for the ACLs as well as a few
>>>>>> test
>>>>>> cases to check if the ACL is being enforced. It should make it into
>>>>>> wiki
>>>>>> today or by tomorrow. I'll send an update then.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Milan
>>>>> Hi Milan,
>>>>> I have reviewed the V4/Certificate_Profiles/Test_Plan.  Couple of
>>>>> comments:
>>>>> - Test case: Import profile with incorrect values
>>>>>   - Expected result: refused with error.
>>>>>   - A simple way to provoke this condition is to add a number to
>>>>>     ``policyset.serverCertSet.list``.
>>>>>   - A similar test case should exist for certprofile-mod.
>>>>> - Test case: Delete default profile
>>>>>   - As discussed elsewhere, expected result should be failure.
>>>>>     I filed ticket #5198 to make it so :)
>>>>> I will review the patch soon.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Fraser
>>>> Hello,
>>>> how is the review going? I'd like to have at least the tracker (patch
>>>> 0008)
>>>> reviewed (and merged :) if possible. It will be needed in CA ACL tests.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Milan
>>> Fraser, do you review this patchset?
>> This fell off my radar, sorry!  I eyeballed it a while back and
>> everything seemed fine; I have not (successfully) run the tests yet
>> though.  I will complete the review tomorrow.
>> Thanks,
>> Fraser

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