On 27.8.2015 10:34, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Aug 2015, Petr Spacek wrote:
>> On 15.7.2015 09:44, Jan Pazdziora wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 12:49:23PM -0400, John Dennis wrote:
>>>> On 07/14/2015 12:03 PM, Petr Spacek wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Is anyone using repos
>>>>> https://jdennis.fedorapeople.org/ipa-devel/
>>>>> ?
>>>>> AFAIK nobody in Brno is seriously using it but I'm not sure about people
>>>>> outside the Brno.
>>>>> Could we use COPR instead and get out of builder business? Upcoming lab
>>>>> maintenance window could be a good time to do that.
>>>> I would love to get out of the builder business and I suspect Nalin would 
>>>> as
>>>> well [1]. The question came up in our Monday meeting as well. Nobody seem 
>>>> to
>>>> know if anyone was using these builds and why we weren't using COPR. The
>>> The Fedora infra admins should be able to provide HTTP logs for the
>>> repo, if you needs some numbers about potential usage.
>> That is a good idea! I got logs from Fedora admins and as far as I can tell,
>> in the last month there were only 7 RPM downloads and nothing else.
>> The 7 hits I found was for
>> /ipa-devel/rhel/6/x86_64/os/sssd-1.13.1-0.20150813T1121Zgit137d5dd.el6.i686.rpm
>> and
>> other packages from the same version.
>> I did not find any hits for IPA packages at all. All the remaining traffic
>> (except the 7 RPM hits) was from repo data refreshes:
>> - 83 % is RHEL 5 repodata
>> - 13 % is RHEL 6 repodata
>> - remaining ~ 4 % of noise is Fedora repodata
>> It seems to me that we can get out the builder business completely and
>> decommission ipa-devel and replace it with COPR.
>> Do you agree? John? Nathaniel? Stephen? Anyone? :-)
> Yes, I think we can decommission this repository thanks to COPR
> infrastructure.

John, the machines which used to generate the repos are basically dead now.

Could you remove the directories and replace them with a README with sentence
that the repos were discontinued, please?

Petr^2 Spacek

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