On Tue, 19 Jul 2016, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
On Tue, 19 Jul 2016, Jan Cholasta wrote:
On 19.7.2016 10:40, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
On Tue, 19 Jul 2016, Jan Cholasta wrote:
On 18.7.2016 10:12, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
On Mon, 18 Jul 2016, Jan Cholasta wrote:

On 16.7.2016 12:46, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:

I had some time and was blocked by these bugs to do my tickets so I
actually fixed these three problems that are assigned to Martin
Babinsky. Hopefully, Martin wouldn't be offended by that. :)


Output entry elements may have multiple types allowed. We need to
all of them to properly validate the output. Right now, thin client
receives type specifications for elements as tuples of types, so
what is seen as 'None' on the server side becomes (type(None),) tuple
on the thin client side.

Change validation to account this by processing each separate type
of the element and account for both None and type(None). Raise type
error only if all of the type checks failed.


NACK, this only hides the real issue, which is that trustconfig-show
(and automember-set-default in #6037) claims to return the primary key
of the object in the 'value' output field, but the object does not
have a primary key, so the client rightfully expects None.
Why did it work before introducing thin client?

Because I took the liberty of not putting any extra effort just to
keep old hacks working on thin client. In this case, output.PrimaryKey
was used for the 'value' output field before, which always allowed
unicode in addition to the primary key type. On thin client,
output.Output with the primary key type is used instead, which is less
forgiving and uncovers bogus command definitions. (There aren't any
besides the ones already mentioned, I remember fixing them but the
commit got lost somehow. Oh well.)
This means thin client would not work against old server which would
return a non-primary key value. I think it is unacceptable.

Not true, as this only applies to servers with API schema (4.4+).
Only because thin client does not work against servers without API
schema at all:

[root@f24-master ~]# ipa -vv -e xmlrpc_uri=https://id.vda.li/ipa/xml config-show
ipa: INFO: trying https://id.vda.li/ipa/json
ipa: INFO: Request: {
  "id": 0,    "method": "ping",    "params": [
      [],        {}
ipa: INFO: Response: {
"error": null, "id": 0, "principal": "ad...@vda.li", "result": {
      "messages": [
"code": 13001, "message": "API Version number was not sent, forward compatibility not guaranteed. Assuming server's API version, 2.156", "name": "VersionMissing", "type": "warning"
], "summary": "IPA server version 4.2.3. API version 2.156"
  },    "version": "4.2.3"
ipa: INFO: Forwarding 'config_show/1' to json server 
ipa: INFO: Request: {
  "id": 0,    "method": "config_show/1",    "params": [
      [],        {
          "version": "2.210"
ipa: INFO: Response: {
  "error": {
"code": 905, "message": "unknown command 'config_show/1'", "name": "CommandError" }, "id": 0, "principal": "ad...@vda.li", "result": null, "version": "4.2.3"
ipa: ERROR: unknown command 'config_show/1'

Same happens for every other command so I cannot even test the behavior.
It works against the same server as the thin client is.

[root@f24-master ~]# ipa -vv config-show
ipa: INFO: trying https://f24-master.ipa.ad.test/ipa/json
ipa: INFO: Forwarding 'config_show/1' to json server 
ipa: INFO: Request: {
  "id": 0,    "method": "config_show/1",    "params": [
      [],        {
          "version": "2.210"
ipa: INFO: Response: {
"error": null, "id": 0, "principal": "ad...@ipa.ad.test", "result": {
      "result": {
"ca_renewal_master_server": "f24-master.ipa.ad.test", "ca_server_server": [
], "dn": "cn=ipaConfig,cn=etc,dc=ipa,dc=ad,dc=test", "ipa_master_server": [
          ],            "ipacertificatesubjectbase": [
          ],            "ipaconfigstring": [
          ],            "ipadefaultemaildomain": [
          ],            "ipadefaultloginshell": [
          ],            "ipadefaultprimarygroup": [
          ],            "ipagroupsearchfields": [
          ],            "ipahomesrootdir": [
          ],            "ipakrbauthzdata": [
              "nfs:NONE",                "MS-PAC"
          ],            "ipamaxusernamelength": [
          ],            "ipamigrationenabled": [
          ],            "ipapwdexpadvnotify": [
          ],            "ipasearchrecordslimit": [
          ],            "ipasearchtimelimit": [
          ],            "ipaselinuxusermapdefault": [
          ],            "ipaselinuxusermaporder": [
          ],            "ipausersearchfields": [
          ],            "ntp_server_server": [
      },        "summary": null,        "value": null
  },    "version": ""
Maximum username length: 32
Home directory base: /home
Default shell: /bin/sh
Default users group: ipausers
Default e-mail domain: ipa.ad.test
Search time limit: 2
Search size limit: 100
User search fields: uid,givenname,sn,telephonenumber,ou,title
Group search fields: cn,description
Enable migration mode: FALSE
Certificate Subject base: O=IPA.AD.TEST
Password Expiration Notification (days): 4
Password plugin features: AllowNThash
SELinux user map order: 
Default SELinux user: unconfined_u:s0-s0:c0.c1023
Default PAC types: nfs:NONE, MS-PAC
IPA masters: f24-master.ipa.ad.test
IPA CA servers: f24-master.ipa.ad.test
IPA NTP servers: f24-master.ipa.ad.test
IPA CA renewal master: f24-master.ipa.ad.test

Aside from that, comparing "(type(None),) is None" will never give you
True on the thin client side. At the server side we have "None is None"
and that works. So the question is also why there is a change like that
between client and server sides?

I don't see how this has anything to do with anything. In output
validation, "type = None" means that value of any type is allowed,
"type = (type(None),)" means that only None is allowed. Nothing
changed with regard to that in thin client.
Really? Previous code worked against corresponding server, new code
doesn't work against the very same server. I consider it a breakage.

Really, since commit b6e4972e. If something is broken, please file a ticket.
See above. How should I test?
I filed a ticket https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/6092 for thin
client incapability to talk to old servers.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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