Glen ☣ -

This is a very /sophist/icated argument YOU make.  *I* can't tell, however if *YOU* believe it, at least right this instant... perhaps *YOU* believed it when you wrote it, but does that belief persist from the former now to the current now?

Smart-asserry aside... Trying to take your point for what it is intended (or useful for?)...   I believe that "atomicity" and "identity" in both space and time are simultaneously deep illusions and highly utilitarian, at least in the service of the is "illusory self" that appears to have memory, intention, and will to action.   With that in mind:

I am about to go to my boneyard and search for two specific concrete blocks which I remember to have put there when I took the large woodstove out of my sunroom, and trust they are still there (or wherever I actually put them) and that when I find them and brush off any accumulated detritus and load them on my garden cart, I can haul them back to my house where I will use them in the same mode as I did last year, only in a different location. This all depends on a strong illusion of my "self", on the objectness of said blocks and woodstove and garden cart, and a continuity of "self" roughly ranging back to the time when I dismantled to the present as I plan and scheme to the future when, in fact, I am pretty confident I will find the woodstove perched on top of those very same blocks again.   Of course, I may change plans mid-course if I find another set of blocks with more appropriate or promising qualities for the purpose..

- Stove

On 11/2/17 10:26 AM, gⅼеɳ ☣ wrote:
Yes, you're right to classify the illusion of self along with Smith's preemptive registration, more 
insidious, I think, than premature registration.  Identifying an object as atomic lies at the heart 
of a lot of our problems.  We could just as easily call it a discretization artifact.  Here, the 
"continuous fluid self" shines the light on the fact that discretization problems arise 
in both time and space.  Unless you're willing to admit that, for example, your ancestors from 10 
generations ago and 10 generations hence are *also* part of your self, then you've got to 
discretize "self" in time.  And unless you're willing to allow some anonymous African or 
Alpha Centaurian to also be part of your self, then you've got to discretize in space.

Such discretization is a great method *if* you've got a well-formed set of use cases to engineer 
toward.  But most conversations where "self" is bandied about willy nilly, a) the use 
cases aren't particular cases, at all, they're more like usage patterns, if they're well-formed at 
all, and b) conversations tend to wander and "self" under one usage pattern is magically 
translated into another usage pattern, making the whole conversation into nonsense.

So, practicality demands we abandon the stupid word "self" entirely.  If you 
want to extend that practicality into your metaphysics, then so be it.  But the 
metaphysics is irrelevant because practically, there is no self.

On 10/30/2017 07:42 PM, Steven A Smith wrote:
I'm curious about your reference to "the temporally extended self".   If it isn't *real* it 
certainly is a very strong illusion that my *instantaneous self* often indulges in.   Flow states, peak 
awareness, enlightenment, etc.  all DO seem to point or trend toward "being in the instant"... but 
nevertheless, there is also a persistent illusion of  a continuous fluid self that IS temporally extended.   
In fact, by the some measure, it would seem that is the very definition of Objectness which I believe 
Selfness inherits from.  Perhaps Brian Cantwell Smith has had something to say about all of this?  It has 
been decades since I read him... maybe I can find my copy of "Origin of Objects"?  Or maybe it is 
just a faulty memory of an illusory temporally extended self?

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