I am (or thought I was) familiar with the idea.  But it should be clear that 
the wikipedia entry is GUILTY of the exact problem I'm trying to point out.  
So, it's not only not helpful, but perpetuates the problem.  Witness:

"Object constancy, similar to Jean Piaget's object permanence, describes the 
phase when the child understands that the mother has a separate identity and is 
truly a separate individual."

In other words, object constancy is precisely the false conclusion.  Perhaps 
there's other literature that talks specifically about how the *fiction* of 
object constancy affects/retards future development?  If you know of that 
literature, perhaps you could point to it?  Or, better yet, explain it in your 
own words ... which I enjoy more and find much more useful. 8^)

On 11/02/2017 10:32 AM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
> You guys might be interested in the Psychoanalytic concept of object 
> constancy.
> See
> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Mahler
> Many philosophical discussions are explained by psychoanalysts in terms of 
> object constancy.  And the self is also an object Psychoanalytic speaking.  
> The old Chestnut about whether a tree falling in a forest makes a sound is an 
> example.

☣ gⅼеɳ

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