Yes. Perfect. While reading your post, I started worrying about where race conditions and deadlock 
might fit. Techniques for overcoming deadlock seem to me like "executive" functions, 
pragmatism, or breadth-first search. And there's no reason we can't imagine a layered 
"algorithm" that launches batches of algorithms to see whether they stop or runaway so 
that they need to be stopped. And that executive could follow a typical actor's method of ginning 
up emotive responses at will. Though it may seem like Bad Faith, but really is just the result of 
sampling the solution space.

On 10/19/22 20:17, Marcus Daniels wrote:
A fear response could be resolved by having a coherent way to identify and sort risks and 
to understand likely outcomes and mitigations.   In absence of these, attention could be 
focused on fear itself and there could be feedback amplification.   An algorithm that 
prioritizes inputs and acts on them when present would save energy so long as it could 
yield (idle) when a match for risk stimuli was not identified.    On the other hand, a 
tight "while(TERRIFIED) { worry(); }" would run a CPU hot.  In this view stress 
having physical correlates (energy, heat) depends on the available cognitive tools.

Same outrage.   I just saw Val Demings expressing outrage about gun violence in her debate with 
Marco Rubio.  Did she mean it?   Did she rehearse how to seem more emotional than she really was?   
Perhaps it isn't even knowable without much pre-measurement, e.g., fMRI prior to the expression.   
It could be she taught herself how to spin her own emotions up, and in the moment, they were 
"real" emotions even though they were choregraphed in a rational way.   When it comes to 
simulation or generative learning, there is the natural latency scale for humans of say 1/10^th  of 
a second, and so long as a calculation could beat that computational deadline, then it could insert 
whatever dramatic "rest notes" that were needed to appear physiologically plausible.


ꙮ Mɥǝu ǝlǝdɥɐuʇs ɟᴉƃɥʇ' ʇɥǝ ƃɹɐss snɟɟǝɹs˙ ꙮ

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