Ed Weick wrote:

Almost everything you read about the EU these days suggests a lot of disenchantment with the leadership and a fear of Turks and Polish plumbers. The EU is a grand idea, but grand ideas don't always put bread on the table or protect your special interests.


I agree that the EU is "a grand idea".  I am reminded of
a certain definition of Europe:

   "The struggle against everything whose only claim to
    dignity is its materiality, to refuse to be merely
    a passive and determined element in the order of Creation this
    seems to me the primordial virtue which transformed
    an Asian peninsula into Europe" - Carlo Schmid

Perhaps no idea is grand enough to
withstand the withering, relentless assault of  The New American Dream of
universal free-fall economic devolution aka deregulated free
or at least all-consuming markets.

In any case, even if the Euro banknotes are not as esthetically
appealing as some of the currency they replaced, the U.S. Treasury
would, I think, do well to try to imitate them.  America's
recent bank notes look like something seen thru a
distorting lens.  Our old banknote designs has no
esthetic merit, but at least all the parts of the design were
[size-wise] in a kind of balance.
\brad mccormick

 Let your light so shine before men,
             that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)

 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

<![%THINK;[SGML+APL]]> Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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