Reuters wrote:
> In this situation, the answer is to give the government greater power to
> defend national industry from foreign competition and "to give control
> over the exchange rate back to the government."

It was clear from the beginning that this is the big mistake of the Euro.


Ed Weick wrote:
> Almost everything you read about the EU these days suggests a lot of
> disenchantment with the leadership and a fear of Turks and Polish
> plumbers.  The EU is a grand idea, but grand ideas don't always put
> bread on the table or protect your special interests.

The EU is a grand scheme to benefit predators -- the regional implementation
of globalization.


Brad McCormick wrote:
> I agree that the EU is "a grand idea".  I am reminded of
> a certain definition of Europe:

It's a big mistake to confuse the EU with Europe.

> Perhaps no idea is grand enough to
> withstand the withering, relentless assault of  The New American Dream of
> universal free-fall economic devolution aka deregulated free
> or at least all-consuming markets.

If you scrap off the PR you'll realize that the EU is a regional promoter
of free-fall economic devolution rather than a bulwark against it.


"Going west was their [U$] enlargement. They found
 the Rocky Mountains; we found Prague and Budapest."
--Romano Prodi, ex-head of the EU, on EU enlargement

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