> Perhaps no idea is grand enough to
> withstand the withering, relentless assault of  The New American Dream of
> universal free-fall economic devolution aka deregulated free
> or at least all-consuming markets.
Not so sure of this.  I believe there is a growing skepticism about deregulation - witness the number of air carriers under bankruptcy protection and the Enron/Worldcom etc. messes.  Several countries, major economic players like China and Russia, are not buying into the "New American Dream", which isn't so new and has indeed been around long enough to develop a lot of tarnish.  And one has to wonder whether the "Dream" really is about free, open, deregulated markets.  What the Americans seem to be pushing is markets amenable to their control, and not something that arises out of some form of multinational consensual process.

> Ed Weick wrote:
> > Almost everything you read about the EU these days suggests a lot of
> > disenchantment with the leadership and a fear of Turks and Polish
> > plumbers.  The EU is a grand idea, but grand ideas don't always put
> > bread on the table or protect your special interests.
> > 
> [snip]
> I agree that the EU is "a grand idea".  I am reminded of
> a certain definition of Europe:
>     "The struggle against everything whose only claim to
>      dignity is its materiality, to refuse to be merely
>      a passive and determined element in the order of Creation this
>      seems to me the primordial virtue which transformed
>      an Asian peninsula into Europe" - Carlo Schmid
> Perhaps no idea is grand enough to
> withstand the withering, relentless assault of  The New American Dream of
> universal free-fall economic devolution aka deregulated free
> or at least all-consuming markets.
> In any case, even if the Euro banknotes are not as esthetically
> appealing as some of the currency they replaced, the U.S. Treasury
> would, I think, do well to try to imitate them.  America's
> recent bank notes look like something seen thru a
> distorting lens.  Our old banknote designs has no
> esthetic merit, but at least all the parts of the design were
> [size-wise] in a kind of balance.
> <
> \brad mccormick
> --
>   Let your light so shine before men,
>               that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)
>   Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)
> <![%THINK;[SGML+APL]]> Brad McCormick, Ed.D. /
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