Thanks this all good info.. question.. If i move to 10.5 will i be
able to run the older video editing software?
the person tha gave me the system said he want to make sure we keep
that part going.(even in the old OS as is it is much easier to edit a
video on the mac then a PC) I know my PC can render HD but the Mac
isn't going to handle that as is.

If current burning drive will work I look into that this as i need to
burn some videos off soon.
will look for Toast as well.but again under 9.2.2  I know there are
limits as I had some bring me a early G4 system they had installed OS
10.3 or 10.4 the lost all classic ability for running older programs
for the system and when I tried to do the online updates for that OS
it crashed but i was able to recover it but get the system to run any
of her older software. The system just would not run in classic mode
at all.

 I am not loaded with fund to buy newer software yet but the hardware
is easy to get from places (well some of it)
Ok thanks again I let you know how this works out as I update the


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