On Dec 5, 2008, at 3:43 PM, Yersinia wrote:

> Ken writes,
> <On older Macs that works. On my MDD (not really very
> new, but...) the only power key is on the front of the
> machine. Pointy nose or pencil is a viable tool!>
> OMG, what timing you should mention this! I have yet to zap the  
> PRAM on
> my G4 Quicksilver 867 (though I was discussing the possibility of  
> maybe
> having to try it in an offlist email this morning), and this situation
> with your MDD is precisely what came into my mind, since my  
> Quicksilver
> also has no power key on the keyboard, only on the front of the  
> machine!
> I was wondering if it's even physically possible for me to do it on  
> this
> machine. With my left hand the way it is, I can barely manage, if I
> position my hands slowly, the command-option-p-r but I need two  
> hands to
> do it. My nose isn't especially pointy, but maybe it's pointy just  
> enough
> to work while I somehow lean over and touch it to the Quicksilver's  
> power
> button. Now the real challenge -- hands full on the keyboard, body
> twisted over to touch my nose to the power button on the Quicksilver
> (when I won't be able to tell where my hands are without being able to
> see, which I won't be able to do, and THEN....
> Hold for three chimes! LOL
> Gosh, I really and truly hope I don't have to actually try this.  
> Yes, I'm
> holding back as last resort. Suddenly, nuking and paving AGAIN doesn't
> sound so bad!
> ~Yersinia.
> ________
> "If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about
> him?"
> Because he's on the bottle!
> >

John Callahan
If there are no dogs in Heaven, when I die I want to go where they  
--Will Rogers
extreme positive = (ybya2)

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