On Dec 5, 2008, at 7:30 PM, Yersinia wrote:


> But, alas, I actually do have to try it.  :-( Another
> nuke-and-pave/reinstall of OS 9 didn't work. I don't know how or why a
> PRAM zap should make my G4 boot OS 9

Because the PRAM-ZAP kills all saved reference to where the hardware  
system is to look for a 'bootable' system.
The poor clueless system is then forced to use it's 'built in'  
default 'boot from' information.  That set of 'default instructions  
says to find an OS9 system [it will even use a bootable OS9 on an  
external HD, if that is the first one it finds.]. IF there isn't a  
OS9 available, I'm fairly certain that it then looks for a OSX system.

Chuck D.

> and not instantly freeze, and I
> honestly think it's voodoo for this, but someone suggested I should  
> try
> it and I feel that not even trying it is synonymous with not doing
> everything I could have done. And who knows, maybe if I just move the
> keyboard over a little bit to the right, I won't have to contort  
> quite so
> bad.
> Ah well, OK, off to give it a try.
> ~Yersinia.

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