On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 9:25 PM, glen <glenst...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > For conductive heat transfer as in this case you ideally want perfectly
> > flat surfaces.  They wouldn't need any heat transfer compound between
> > them as there would be no gap.  But ideal and perfect are on back order
> > so you fill the thin gap with heat transfer compound which displaces the
> > air.  Heat transfer compounds have relatively poor thermal conductivity
> >   compared to the metals they are used with.  But they have much better
> > thermal conductivity than air which they replace in the gap.  This is
> > why you want just a very thin layer.
> I'm not, nor ever have been a practicing engineer but do have a BS in
> engineering and my undergraduate program was very strong on both mechanical
> and electrical disciplines. I really liked thermodynamics. OK, I'm sure some
>  MSE.s and PHD's will find some fault in this post and will humbly accept
> any appropriate corrections --glen

Most MSEs and PHds have never  built a Rod. wadda they know?

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