Sam Macomber wrote:

> just saw the server version is intel only as well...  DOH    three of 
> our four xserves just got obsoleted,   two are G5s that handle the 
> majority of the work one handles mail and web the other handles file 
> sharing.  the 3rd is an old G4 it has 4 drive bays so that's our 
> retrospect backup server which will stay as it is, still running 10.4... 
>      I'm not even working those G5s hard at all   so there is no need 
> performance wise to upgrade, but   I know my boss is going to want all 
> the new stuff in 10.6 for his iPhone 
> I wonder if that'll be like 10.4 and 10.5 with open directory 
> incompatability or will 10.5 and 10.6 talk to each other   and will iCal 
> 2.0 server require the clients to be on 10.6?   (has all the features 
> we've been waiting for to replace the crash happy now up-to-date clients) 
> I'm gonna have my hands full this fall (unfortunately 10.6 will come out 
> right at the beginning of our peak season too) 

If I were the head of a sizable operation that invested in the latest 
G5s I would be letting Apple know loud and clear that I am not a happy 

I was locked out of Lepeord due to my ancient G4 Gigabit having a low 
clockspeed of 400 MHz but that's OK.  Panther ran best on this machine 
but I do OK with Tiger.  OTOH, some folks run Tiger on earlier G3s.

Put simply, G5 support should have been maintained for the last 
generation PPCs IMNSHO...


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