On 6/10/09 12:55 AM, "Wallace Adrian D'Alessio" <fluxstrin...@gmail.com>
Broadcast into the ether:

> On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 1:28 AM, Kyle Hansen <pi...@speakeasy.net> wrote:
>> All the stuff they are doing now will be the same.  There will be some
>> transitioning just like from OS9 to OSX.  Everyone calm down.  I have inside
>> info on this but I have also signed an NDA so I can not share.
> =================================
> That is not the problem. 604s still do the stuff they did in the old days too.
> They problem is for those who bought G5s for workstations  right before their
> obsolescence, who thought they could at least pay those off and make a profit
> before the competition ran over them.
> Home users and non business types are losers to the degree that they need to
> run new software.
> And for true low end mac types like myself it means the sooner I get hands on
> cool hardware that is still generations behind the curve.
First off, if you bought a G5 right before it¹s obsolescence that¹s your
fault.   Any person that is remotely interested in Mac¹s knows the signs and
knows when they are rolling a new product out.  When ipod shuffles are free
after a mail in rebate guess what?  They are clearing their supply chain and
there are about to be new shuffles on the market.  So if you hold out for
the best deal, and wait for the sale you will get screwed every time.  Thy
announce at Macworld (or used to) now at WWDC.  So Don¹t buy anything around
those times.  And the software that runs on the G5¹s is still competitive
with the new stuff.  Final cut Pro is Final Cut Pro.  Just takes longer to
crunch on an older machine.  And the G5¹s are 3 years old.  That is ARCHAIC
in modern computing.  Moore¹s law.  Every 18 months.  You already know all
this stuff Wallace.

Kyle Hansen
This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.

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