On Jun 15, 2009, at 10:30 PM, Stephen Weber wrote:

> I have a G3 600mhz iMac and runs bad on yourtube too.  You  need a  
> computer with a processor better than a  G3 or a early G4.  It's  
> because flash is a CPU hog.

I've had some Pentium III PC laptops that were equivalent MHz to G3  
and early G4 Apples. It always bothered me immensely that a 700MHz  
PIII could play almost all video completely smoothly with an 8MB  
Radeon video card; and a G4 PowerBook with 8MB Radeon, or G3  
700-900MHz iBook with 16MB Radeon both completely choke on even simple  
video, and coaxing any smooth video playback is a real chore.

I used such a 700MHz PIII to watch the Beijing Olympics online via MS  
Silverlight (which has no PPC Mac port), and it displayed fine on my  
40" Samsung LCD TV. Conversely, my G4 Mini with 32MB Radeon seems to  
stutter from time-to-time on lots of different video formats, and it's  
running at 1.58GHz, over twice as fast as the PIII. The bus width  
should double that speed again, so on the face I'd think the Mini was  
minimally 4x faster CPU/Bus, with 4x the VRAM, and 2x the RAM (1GB vs  
512MB), and yet for video playback the PIII won hands down? What's the  

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