On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 12:14 AM, MaGioZal<magio...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 6/16/09 1:08 AM, Wallace Adrian D'Alessio at <fluxstrin...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Assuming you need to stick with this machine my first suggestion is to
>> max the RAM.
>> You could also try adjusting caching if at all possible. You may also
>> have virtual memory turned on which I believe may account for the
>> jerkiness.
>> You say it is crappy on " any " video site.  As  an experiment put IE5
>> on it and look for some Windows video. That worked for my old 9600 300
>> MHz.
> Well, I'm here on a 266MHz G3 with 512MB of RAM and 10.4, and YouTube is
> very crappy here -- I can see the video in "slow motion" mode and an
> unsynchronized audio, even when the YouTube file is completely
> buffered/downloaded.
> Should it be fault of the 6MB VRAM onboard video, too?


How much RAM free space do you have left after OS X loads? Not much is it ?

Also you could try putting a faster cpu in it unless it is soldered in.

A PCI video card may help. But maybe not.

Because you fully download before playing I assume your connection is
perhaps dial-up.

Will the machine accept a full Gig of RAM?

But 233 MHz may be just too overworked. Unless the files are quite small.

Will the file fit in RAM? I doubt it. Is virtual memory turned on ?
Probably.  Every time VM has to search for the next frames to buffer
you get a hesitation.

You might try OS 9 and find it works somewhat better. But probably not
as much as you hope.

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