On Jun 15, 2009, at 10:44 PM, nestamicky wrote:

> Well that's fine, but my Pismo 400 runs Youtube well, way, better  
> than the Ti G4.

Have you tried enabling Quartz Extreme on the TiBook? If not, it might  
be worth a try, using PCI Extreme 3.1 from MacUpdate. It works fine  
under 10.4.11 on my Beige G4 upgraded with Radeon 9100. I've never  
known anyone who enabled the 8MB Radeon of the TiBook, but it is  
supported by PCI Extreme, although I think it's a slightly special  
install? I've also heard that enabling Quartz Extreme on these really  
too small VRAM Radeon's can slow down video playback even more, so it  
would be good to find some type of benchmarks beforehand, and then  
measure the difference after enabling Quartz Extreme. If it's slower,  
just uninstall PCI Extreme and revert. To be sure Quartz Extreme is  
working you can use QuartzExtreme Check 1.2.

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