On Jun 15, 2009, at 10:52 PM, nestamicky wrote:

> I would think, being completely drunk, that a 1.58 ghz machine would  
> beat a P3 machine.

I may have misstated the PIII speed, I could never quite figure it  
out? It's a Compaq Presario 1710 with a 1GHz CPU, and sometimes it  
seemed to report 1GHz speed, but the specifications of the model  
seemed to top-out at 700MHz, and sometimes it reported 700MHz as the  
speed. I don't know Windows stuff at all, and didn't care, it was a  
free laptop, which I've since donated away to another (un)lucky soul  
who only knows Windows. He's having all sorts of problems (virus,  
spyware, slow connection related) and I need to get him onto a Mac  
ASAP, but don't have any spare ones that can "play video", a "minimal"  

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