>On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Dan wrote:
>>This is all about the plug-in's speed - Flash or QuickTime.  I 
>>think most stuff on YouTube is Flash but it's moving to H.264?

At 2:55 PM -0400 6/16/2009, Stephen Weber wrote:
>H.264 I believe is the codec that Youtube uses for storing the files 
>on the server, not what plug in it's using to play the files on the 
>web browser.

Just did some digging...  YouTube is supporting a number of formats. 
They're trying to not transcode most stuff on the fly, as they stream 
it to you, so as to not degrade it further.

The original was Flash 7 with H.263, 320x240, 25fps, max 300 Kbps.

Then they went to MPEG-4, 640x480, 30 fps, with mp3 audio.

And now they're preferring MPEG-4, H.264, with AAC audio.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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