second hardisc is not the solution if time travel needs for your rescue...

i lost 3 TB data because of electric problem in Turkey...

Those discs are backuped internal other 3 TB

And yes i got good UPS

But all of them gone...

Remote backup or just a handy external HD is the answer...

I use Time Machine with 24 hours backup intervals with 1.5 TB External

Because i need the open my workstation for 24 hours and something migth
happen that i need to stop prevent further disaster but i could not be there
as i lived.

2009/11/9 Dan <>

> At 6:45 AM +1100 11/10/2009, Stewie de Young wrote:
> >I personally install a second hard drive in all my desktop computers .
> Good to have extra drives for backup, but keeping them hot (powered,
> spun up, and/or mounted) leaves them vulnerable to both hardware
> failures and software "attacks".
> >When I have enough data to fill a DVD or CD I burn that to disc and
> >store it in her garage, usually wiping the data off her drive.
> Temperature controlled garage?  Burned optical media are quite temp &
> humidity sensitive.
> >A bit too far you think
> No.  Sounds like a decent strategy to me.
> Everyone should keep a set of backups off-site; even if it's just
> stashed in a friend's sock drawer.
> - Dan.
> --
> - Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.
> >

Baha Ata

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