On Jul 6, 3:58 pm, Kris Tilford <ktilfo...@cox.net> wrote:
> On Jul 5, 2010, at 10:33 PM, Nestamicky wrote:
> > Console outputs: "diskimages-helper: unable to activate drive -  
> > error 0xe0002c9 (-536870199).
> Here is the solution:
> <http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20080127213553144>

I have tried this solution by burning the image onto a disk and
installing from there, as suggested from another link from
macosxhints, since .dmgs are not mounting. Anyway, once I burned
"Security Update 2005-009 ( Tiger Client)" from this link:http://
support.apple.com/downloads/#security%20update%20tiger, it won't
install. All the partitions had red rain-drop arrows on them. II'm not
sure if I'm suppose to uninstall previous updates. If so, could
someone please say I how I do this.
Thanks everyone, so far.

Dan, what plist file do you think would need to be cared for, deleted
or whatnot?

Bruce J, as you may see, I've done all the things you listed earlier.

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