----------  Original message  ----------
Subject: Re: Unstable PowerMac G4
Date:    Sunday, 30. January 2011
From:    "Deaner Lawless Jr." <law...@gmail.com>
To:      g3-5-list@googlegroups.com
> > If you have access to an alternate power supply unit for your Mac, try it
> > with Mac OS X 10.4.11 and see if that does any good.
> Since this is Mirror Door model I believe the main cabinet fan is what is
> changing in speed. The strange part is when I connect my 2.5" portable HD
> via FW400 that slows it as well. Powered XHDs don't have the same effect.

This behaviour would indicate an electrical issue. But it's hard to be sure 
without a reference system to test.

I had a MDD Dual-1.0 GHz once and don't remember any fan reactions when 
plugging in external USB devices. I never used FW400 though. And the USB 
drivers where either 2.5" USB-bus-powered or 3.5" external powered hard disk 
drives, connected to a USB-2.0 PCI expansion card.

> I wish I had a second PSU for the machine. I do have a good 340watt PSU
> used in earlier PM G4 models. Will have to check compatibility.

I don't think that MDD PSUs are the same as, say, QS or DA ones. But I don't 
really know either…

Good luck!
I hope you'll find a solution…

Andreas  aka  Mac User #330250

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