I am having trouble getting a toolshed tool to be dispatched to the destination 
I list in the job_conf.xml file.

My job_conf.xml file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <plugin id="local" type="runner" 
load="galaxy.jobs.runners.local:LocalJobRunner" workers="20"/>
        <plugin id="condor" type="runner" 
load="galaxy.jobs.runners.condor:CondorJobRunner" />
        <handler id="main"/>
    <destinations default="condor">
        <destination id="local" runner="local"/>
        <destination id="condor" runner="condor">
            <!-- With no params, jobs are submitted to the 'vanilla' universe 
                    notification = NEVER
                    getenv = true
                 Additional/override query ClassAd params can be specified with
                 <param> tags, e.g
            <param id="request_cpus">8</param>
        <tool id="upload1"                              destination="local"/> 
<!-- Upload File -->
        <tool id="ucsc_table_direct1"                   destination="local"/> 
<!-- UCSC Main -->

        ... stuff omitted ...

 infoseq46/5.0.0"        destination="local"/>

So, you can see I have a default destination of condor, but I'm trying to run 
my toolshed EMBOSS infoseq tool on local.  However, it is stubbornly running on 

In lib/galaxy/tools/__init__.py:1132, I see this comment which got me wondering:
        # In the toolshed context, there is no job config.

Is it possible to define tool destinations for toolshed tools?  Are there some 
gotchas that I should know about?  Any other ideas why my job is ignoring the 
config in job_conf.xml?  (By the way, I can change say the upload1 tool to run 
on Condor by setting its destination in that file, so it is doing something.)  
The other thing I saw in the source code is stuff about old_id and toolshed 
guids.  Do I need to understand this stuff?

The paster.log contains the following when I submit the infoseq job: - - [11/Sep/2013:13:53:34 +1300] "GET 
 HTTP/1.1" 200 - "http://galaxy-dev.agresearch.co.nz/"; "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux 
x86_64; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0" - - [11/Sep/2013:13:53:40 +1300] "POST /tool_runner/index 
HTTP/1.1" 200 - 
 "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0"
galaxy.jobs DEBUG 2013-09-11 13:53:40,886 (92) Working directory for job is: 
galaxy.tools DEBUG 2013-09-11 13:53:40,886 Tool::get_job_destination: 
{'runner': 'condor', 'legacy': False, 'params': {}, 'tags': None, 'url': None, 
'converted': False, 'id': 'condor'}.
galaxy.jobs.handler DEBUG 2013-09-11 13:53:40,894 (92) Dispatching to condor 

(I added the debug output for Tool::get_job_destination to see what was going 

Any ideas?


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