Hello Xintao,

We are happy to add new genomes. Would you be able to confirm that this is the correct source at NCBI? Project ID: 11756? Not all chromosomes are completely assembled for this project and there are two projects for the genome.


If there is another source (Sanger appear to also have this genome as an ongoing working project), a pointer would be helpful. Completed genomes from stable sources with named and dated releases are preferred.

If there is a common name used by the T. brucei 927 community for research that you want to share, we could include that in our documentation/genome naming.

Meanwhile, you can always upload the genome yourself and use it with most tools from your history. The new FTP upload feature would be the recommended loading tool.

We look forward to your reply,

Galaxy team

On 12/21/10 6:44 AM, Wei,Xintao wrote:

Is there any chance to add a new genome reference to the Galaxy browser? I am 
working on the chip-seq data of Trypanosome brucei 927, and the T. brucei 
genome is not available on the Galaxy browser version.

Thank you!

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Jennifer Jackson
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