Dear Jen
Thanks. I have merged the files and end up with 4 x 47 G fastq files for read 
mapping to the reference.
It seems this is too much data to analyse on the public main instance if the 
size limit is 250 G?
So I tried to set up the cloud option following the screencast 
(, but when I search for the current AMI 
name (861460482541/galaxy-cloudman-2011-03-22) it is not found in the list of 
community AMIs under Amazon's EC2 Management Console. Any ideas why this is not 

From: Jennifer Jackson []
Sent: 08 April 2013 21:21
To: Thompson, Andrew
Cc: ''
Subject: Re: [galaxy-user] merging fastq files

Hi Andrew,

Merging the data prior to upload would probably be simplest. Files in a galaxy 
history are not in .tar format at this time.

Loading forward and reverse separately will most likely be important from a 
scientific perspective for analysis.

Once ready for upload, you can tar or gz - as long as each load is a single 
file - or leave uncompressed - either is fine. Using FTP is required for larger 
data (>= 2G) and using a client that will allow you to track progress/resume an 
interrupted load can be helpful. Each file can be up to 50G in size if you have 
an account.

Hopefully this helps,

Galaxy team

On 4/5/13 3:20 AM, Thompson, Andrew wrote:
I have received Illumina paired-end genome sequence data as a .tar file. When 
unpacked the data for each genome accession is split into about 100 fastq 
files. Total of about 37 Gpb per genome.
Can you recommend the best way to organise this data prior to mapping to 
reference genome?
I can concatenate unpacked files using DOS command line into forward and 
reverse before uploading: is this the best approach? Is there a tools that will 
start with the .tar file?


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