Hi tom.

shades is indeed a good example, indeed from my perspective of mostly playing low vision accessible mainstream games like megaman, turrican etc, had shades not been of a comparable design standard I'd not likely have played too many more. I in fact found! the page of games to play offline on the whitestick site back in 2004 or so when i was trying out interactive fiction games, brouser games like Sryth and the like, but none of the games listed there interested me indeed I do confess that as I have something of a prejudice of blind people and the often condescending attitude of various organizations, I didn't particularly take to the idea until Bryan P mentioned shades to me on the sryth forums and I tried it.

Had my fi9rst audio game experience been something simpler or less well designed rather than something of that quality I'd have not likely had such a good opinion of the hole field, and stuck to my low vision accessible games which would've been a shame.

Beware the Grue!


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