I see you already got an answer to this.

I do have 2 suggestions:

1. Use the help system in the game. Dennis has put a lot of time into it and 
it is well worth it. I commend him on an excellent help system. Just type in 
help, a space, and what you want help with.

2. use the newbie channel. It is there so you might as well use it. Just 
type in newbie first, a space, and then ask your question. Many helpful 
people there. Who knows. You might even get a god to answer you.

My reason for posting this is to help you get an answer as quicly as 
possible. Since the help system is so good, and you are right there, you 
just might get an answer much faster than posting it here.

If all else fails, ask here or join the alter group. That group is thru 
Google. The subcription address is


Good luck. HTH.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "wayne17a" <wayne...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2013 1:14 PM

Hello sorry for hijacking your message but I have just installed
alter aeon and can anybody please tell me the step by step instruction on
how to practice spells only I have no idea on how to do this I am at a camp
and found out how to level but after typing list I don't know how to learn
the spells thanks in advance
Wayne c

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