Liam the main issue is that with all your email problems, none of us knows what email address is working or if you even recieve mail. lets see you have your liam address at,, l-works, then the sales and support addresses for l-works.
We don't know if our messages are even recieved man.
And yet again I will stress this on list.
I am willing to help with requests for replacement keys to take the heat off you. You are a great guy and all but if for whatever reason your tech is just giving you issues and you can't solve them even with your gmail, then maybe its time to get some assistance. I am happy to do this without pay of any kind, well I guess maybe a coppy of all your games but even then its not like I don't have superliam and judgement day.
And even if that were not the case I want to help.
I have seen you on the random streams, spoke to you on msn, even shared bits with you in early 2002 and so on.
I was round listening to you in 2001.
I know you are busy thats why I am a lot of us are giving you the slack we are and not getting up on you like a bunch of cards. I can understand not getting a key for ages and ages because you are busy, but the email issue well I have no idea what gets through or what.
And its not like I ask much in return either.
Just to have picks on testing new titles for windows and maybe a coppy of games for myself if you wanted to really pay me.
Seriously I don't need any cash or anything.

At 01:23 PM 6/23/2013, you wrote:
I would not mind quitting development at times. As said earlier, it is a labor of love and does not pay the bills. I work full time. If people are that dissatisfied, then maybe it's time to close up shop.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 22, 2013, at 7:57 PM, "Michael Taboada" <> wrote:

> hi Thomas,
> While I agree with you in principle, I think there's a lot to be said for the fact that it seems many people don't get replacement keys for games that are computer based, or even keys for new purchases for months or more which was my experience. In fact I kept bugging him on twitter and he kept telling me that he was going to send the key... and it took quite a while for that to happen. > Basically what I'm saying is that while it's good to be mindful of the dev's other commitments, it's also good for the devs themselves to be mindful that people are paying real money for these games.
> Hth,
> -Michael.
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