Hi Jim.

I generally try to keep my two cents to myself, unless I'm asked for
it or I've had too much caffeine or alcohol, but I've finally decided
that I can't keep it in any longer.
You have several awesome games under your auspices, and I would like
to request an update to two of them. tHe update is similar in both
games, although a couple of thoughts on implementation are provided:
The first, and in my opinion easiest, is an update to your golf game
to include local multiplayer. No no. I'm not asking for the big giant
doozie of them all, network communications. I just want to sit around
and play a nice game of pass the keyboard Golf. It seems to me that
standard golfing rules would be pretty easy to throw in: farthest from
the hole gets to stroke, ties broken by accuracy or at random, and
maybe a stroke limit of something like 10 strokes over par to stop
your friend from harassing you too badly.

The other game I'd like to talk about is Trucker.
You guessed it. I'd love to have multiplayer added in for that too,
and again, this is local multiplayer, so it'd be pretty easy to do.
The hard part would be slightly reworking the interface to account for
more than one driver at a time, but I figure it could work something
like this.
No matter what happens, you have to press enter to allow an hour to
pass in multiplayer mode, so say Bob and Jake are driving. Jake goes
to sleep in the truckstop, but Bob wants to keep on going.
Traditionally, Jake would hear a bunch of snoring, followed by an
alarm, but in multiplayer Bob drives however fast he wants to go and
so forth, while Jake has to press enter for each hour of sleep. Of
course, you could just decide that he's opted in for the full eight
hours, nothing can change that, or you could offer him the opportunity
to end his sleep early, just as a nice little change.

I love both of these games, and my friends and I would love to play
them together, but the prospect of having five computers in a circle
and trying to hear hour own thing and not the other guys' and trying
to keep relatively synchronized... no fun.

The only other game that even remotely makes sense to be multiplayer,
in my opinion, is Starmule, and that one seems most fun alone, but
that's personal.
Football involves a little too much rock paper scissors style and
secret strategy to make an effective local multiplayer, and I can't
think of any other games that aren't and ought to be, in my opinion.

I hope that you will seriously consider adding local multiplayer to
Golf and Trucker, as I feel it would add a whole new dimension to some
already great games.
For added fun, it might even be nice to have computer controlled players, too.

Dakotah Rickard

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