Hi Al,

Perhaps. I agree writing a tutorial or guide on how to use the game
with the various screen readers would be easier than a rewrite. The
only problem with that is I am not familiar with every single screen
reader on the planet so couldn't tell someone how to use say Supernova
with the game as I know absolutely zilch about that screen reader. I
know how to use NVDA, because I use it all the time. I know Orca quite
well because I use it everyday too. I know Jaws fairly well, because I
used it for years before changing screen readers. However, I can not
write a guide for a screen reader I have never used, and besides all
the documentation should be available in your screen reader
documentation already. If a person knows how to use their review
cursor wether it is called the mouse cursor, Jaws Cursor, review
cursor, whatever that's all you really need to know to review the text
on the screen anyway. Plus as Dark pointed out most screen readers
have a find command that will allow you to look for text on screen as
well which would help in certain instances of a large table of names
or moves, etc..


On 8/29/13, Allan Thompson <allan1.thomp...@cox.net> wrote:
> Ok, so maybe that is all you really need to do.
> Just create a small guide with the program that details how to use it with
> the various screen readers.
> To me, that is a lot easier then trying to rewrite the whole thing with all
> the bells and whistles and it would also have the purpose of informing
> people on how to use other similar games. Win/win.
> al

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