Hi Charles,

Yes, that's it in a nutshell. Those skills should already be present,
and if not it is really up to the end user to train himself/herself to
get good with their screen reader. It really should not be the
developer's place to write his/her entire program's interface to suit
an end user who simply lacks skills with their screen reader. It is
easier to train people to use their screen reader with a certain type
of interface than to rewrite everything to make up for their lack of

Speaking of college or Olympic wrestling that's definitely a different
ball of wax. A lot of amateur wrestling uses Greco-Roman style
wrestling which is more about grapples, holds, and pins than is
typical in professional wrestling. Professional wrestling is really a
catch all sport by borrowing from many different fighting styles
introducing kicks, chops, punches, throws, as well as more traditional
holds and pins. In high school/amateur wrestling we generally don't
see guys picking up their opponent and giving them a front powerslam
to the mat, but that sort of thing is typical in professional


On 8/29/13, Charles Rivard <wee1s...@fidnet.com> wrote:
> I see your logic, and agree with it.  If you have written it as a text game,
> then we should learn the skills that are already available to us in the form
> of screen review keys that come with our screen readers.  We have the
> appropriate keys to do the job, we have the documentation to learn to use
> those keystrokes if we care to, and if we don't care to, then this would not
> be the game for us.  But learning those skills can be valuable in other
> areas, so why not have fun learning them?
> The game is not one that I am interested in, as the only form of wrestling I
> would be interested in is something like high school, college, or Olympic
> wrestling, but that is a personal choice.
> --
> If guns kill people, writing implements cause grammatical and spelling
> errors!

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