It's called neuropsychiatric when that happens, and many of the fast-occurring changes take place in one's frontal lobes, where thinking and decision-making are made. Though how we know that, or even how we can feel ourselves thinking as we develop is hard to say. It is hard for us to feel how our brain develops both naturally and with expanding amounts of information. I made a mistake of befriending a particular individual who played one style of game for a very long period of time that it literally was the cause of me having to terminate our friendship.
On 12/15/2013 9:43 PM, Carla Quint wrote:
I think part of the issue here is the time in one's life at which they play a 
lot of the more violent sorts of games.

I do believe it is different for someone whose brain is fully developed to play 
such games from someone in their teens playing such games.

The reason being, that a teenager's brain is still developing in key ways.

So I would posit that a younger player ought not to engage in a steady diet of 
violent games for long periods of time, as this then becomes a really big 
influence on their still-developing brain.

Now it is also true that adults brains are still able to grow and change, so in 
that sense I would agree that if an adult really just spent all their time 
playing violent games that this would be concerning as well.

Personally while I do like the more laser-tag like aspects of playing an FPS 
online with friends, I really do not like the violent aspects of many FPS style 

Just my thoughts…

Thanks for a great discussion.


Cara :)
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On Dec 15, 2013, at 11:29 AM, Teresa Cochran <> wrote:

Oh, I have to admit that I love horror and a certain amount of violence. It 
gets the adrenaline flowing and scares the crud out of me, and i get a rush. If 
I still get a rush from it, and I play the same amount at the same level, I 
suppose I’m not getting terribly desensitized. :)


"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to 
read."--Groucho Marx

On Dec 15, 2013, at 11:23 AM, Ulysses Garcia <> wrote:

How do you define a monster, in theory?
A monster is a dehumanised creature with characteristics of evil. A zombie is a 
legendary creature from which a human once died. When it comes to playing 
things to dehumanising a creature, it allows us to feel less tender-hearted 
towards that creature so we can destroy it.
Myself, games that entail any form of violence I steer-clear unless they have 
puzzles (like the ones you stated). The point here is to have as minimal amount 
of violence.
On 12/15/2013 11:18 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
I don’t think games have to be about killing people. Killing monsters and 
zombies is fine. :) Or you could make it somewhat abstract and have to react to 
something in a split second. Change reaction comes to mind. It has some 
elements of both a puzzle and a shooter. I play that game quite a bit, too.


"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to 
read."--Groucho Marx

On Dec 15, 2013, at 11:03 AM, Ulysses Garcia <> wrote:

I am not sure how the genre of games are classified, but I do know one thing 
for certain, there has been a lot of controversy about violence and stuff like 
that over games like this, and in my previous research I discovered that the 
long you are exposed to it, the more hard-wired it is going to be in your brain.
Also, there is an upside to this. It allows you to increase and boost your 
decision-making mechanisms. On a television news cast I watched one day they 
discovered that people who played these kinds of games had shorter reacting 
time to real-life threats.
In conclusion, violent games should not be played to any extreme that it will 
force your attitudes to change, but should be played at a level of moderation.
On 12/15/2013 10:49 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
This topic has come up on another thread, and it jogged my memory of seeing an 
interesting article while looking at some other things. I find this fascinating.


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

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