You put jaws a sleep.
that is like turning off jaws but only for that program.
so all key strokes while in that program are not interfered with by jaws.

At 02:22 PM 7/24/2014, you wrote:
Hi Tom.

Thanks for the technical explanation. It just sort of amuses me that if you look in the manuals for games developed by developers who presumably have only used Jaws, --- such as the Gma or Bsc games, they always say "unload your! screen reader! before playing" clearly based on the idea that all screen readers work the way Jaws does with that specific keyboard hook you mentioned.

One thing I do wonder is how do you do sort of minimal interactions with jaws? say when you want to come out of something and send an E-mail and make a note, or when your opening a new folder in a media playing program, then going back to listening and using the keyboard to play, pause, wind back and forward etc.

It's actually something I've always wondered about with jaws sinse I flick supernova's voice (and occasionally keys), off and on all the time.

Beware the grue!

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