The four-point spell? I never found that one.
It ain't pretty when the pretty leaves you with no place to go.
J.D. Fortune, Pretty Vegas
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Vlasak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Apparating to anywhere in sarah

> Hi Tom,
> I think only in the last book did Harry use a spell on Filch.
> a jinx that glued the tongue to the roof of the mouth (which he had twice
> used, to general applause, on an unsuspecting Argus Filch);
> Harry could have snuck up behind him and used that non-verbal hang upside
> down spell on him too.
> Of course Sarah would not know of these spells as they were created by the
> HBP.
> I was originally going to have Sarah start the game with only three spells
> and then give her the rest when she read about them in the library, but
> realized the being a graduate from Salem school of Witchcraft, she should
> know more spells than three.
> So now she knows thirteen, and she does need to  practice the Patronis 
> spell
> to get longer lasting ones and reading the books gives her more of the
> spells with counters.
> Note, her thirteen spells include the 11 in her spell menu plus the 
> apparate
> and Four-Point Spell.
> Phil
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
> Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 4:55 PM
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Apparating to anywhere in sarah
>> Hi Phil,
>> I totally understand the need for having maximum energy and spells. I've
>> had to put in something similar in my Star Wars FPS game to keep the
>> main character from being way to powerful with having too many Force
>> skills and to much Force energy.
>> In reality the Force is always present so a gamer should be able to call
>> upon the Force at any time to use special abilities such as far sight,
>> Force pull, Force throw, Force Jump, Force speed, etc... Having that
>> stuff unlimited gives the gamer a easy time out running, disarming, and
>> defeating all enemies.
>> The way I off set this and still stick to the Star Wars cannon is I am
>> using a little known Padawan Learner who survived the purge in Revenge
>> of the Sith. She has limited Force ability in the start of the game,
>> but as you complete levels, use your  Force skills, you slowly gain
>> extra Force energy, and can get better and more successful at using your
>> Force powers.
>> Interesting enough since I am allowing you the choice to play light
>> sider or dark sider how quick you gain Force skills is in part dependant
>> on which side you choose to play.
>> If you pick the light side you will advance more slowly as a true Jedi
>> won't rush in to experimenting and abuse his or her powers, and mainly
>> uses them for defense.
>> A dark sider will advance more rapidly as he or she will experiment with
>> more distructive Force gifts like casting lightning, distruction,
>> blinding your enemies, choking, or any other forbidden power that uses
>> the Force negatively.
>> An example might be a player is about to enter the Hut palace and two
>> guards are there. What strategy will you take. A light sider would use
>> Force to confuse or distract them and let him or her pass in safety. A
>> dark sider would choke or simply kill them with chain lightning with no
>> attempt to preserve life. Both might be effective ways to get in to the
>> palace, but the former at least is a posative use of powerful skills.
>> Perhaps you could think of some way to add something similar to Sarah. I
>> noticed many hexes or jinxes Sarah could do that are a bit taboo for
>> her, and thus you can't do them. I'd love to freeze filch in place or
>> levetate him for a while and get away.
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