Hi Bryan,
>From Goblet of Fire:
the Four-Point Spell, a useful discovery of Hermione's that would make his 
wand point due north, therefore enabling him to check whether he was going 
in the right direction within the maze.

Luckily in the American spell book, it tells you the direction you are 
Which is also a built-in feature of the GMA game engine.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bryan Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Apparating to anywhere in sarah

> The four-point spell? I never found that one.
> It ain't pretty when the pretty leaves you with no place to go.
> J.D. Fortune, Pretty Vegas
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Phil Vlasak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
> Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 4:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Apparating to anywhere in sarah
>> Hi Tom,
>> I think only in the last book did Harry use a spell on Filch.
>> a jinx that glued the tongue to the roof of the mouth (which he had twice
>> used, to general applause, on an unsuspecting Argus Filch);
>> Harry could have snuck up behind him and used that non-verbal hang upside
>> down spell on him too.
>> Of course Sarah would not know of these spells as they were created by 
>> the
>> HBP.
>> I was originally going to have Sarah start the game with only three 
>> spells
>> and then give her the rest when she read about them in the library, but
>> realized the being a graduate from Salem school of Witchcraft, she should
>> know more spells than three.
>> So now she knows thirteen, and she does need to  practice the Patronis
>> spell
>> to get longer lasting ones and reading the books gives her more of the
>> spells with counters.
>> Note, her thirteen spells include the 11 in her spell menu plus the
>> apparate
>> and Four-Point Spell.
>> Phil
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
>> Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 4:55 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Apparating to anywhere in sarah
>>> Hi Phil,
>>> I totally understand the need for having maximum energy and spells. I've
>>> had to put in something similar in my Star Wars FPS game to keep the
>>> main character from being way to powerful with having too many Force
>>> skills and to much Force energy.
>>> In reality the Force is always present so a gamer should be able to call
>>> upon the Force at any time to use special abilities such as far sight,
>>> Force pull, Force throw, Force Jump, Force speed, etc... Having that
>>> stuff unlimited gives the gamer a easy time out running, disarming, and
>>> defeating all enemies.
>>> The way I off set this and still stick to the Star Wars cannon is I am
>>> using a little known Padawan Learner who survived the purge in Revenge
>>> of the Sith. She has limited Force ability in the start of the game,
>>> but as you complete levels, use your  Force skills, you slowly gain
>>> extra Force energy, and can get better and more successful at using your
>>> Force powers.
>>> Interesting enough since I am allowing you the choice to play light
>>> sider or dark sider how quick you gain Force skills is in part dependant
>>> on which side you choose to play.
>>> If you pick the light side you will advance more slowly as a true Jedi
>>> won't rush in to experimenting and abuse his or her powers, and mainly
>>> uses them for defense.
>>> A dark sider will advance more rapidly as he or she will experiment with
>>> more distructive Force gifts like casting lightning, distruction,
>>> blinding your enemies, choking, or any other forbidden power that uses
>>> the Force negatively.
>>> An example might be a player is about to enter the Hut palace and two
>>> guards are there. What strategy will you take. A light sider would use
>>> Force to confuse or distract them and let him or her pass in safety. A
>>> dark sider would choke or simply kill them with chain lightning with no
>>> attempt to preserve life. Both might be effective ways to get in to the
>>> palace, but the former at least is a posative use of powerful skills.
>>> Perhaps you could think of some way to add something similar to Sarah. I
>>> noticed many hexes or jinxes Sarah could do that are a bit taboo for
>>> her, and thus you can't do them. I'd love to freeze filch in place or
>>> levetate him for a while and get away.
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