Hi Bryan,
Are you kidding? I hated the Echo's voice. I would take Braille N Speak 
voice over Echo any day. Though, my opinion might be based on the fact I 
spent a lot of time after going blind using a Braille N Speak. It was 
like a part of me all through school and college.
You see, when I first started losing my vision the teachers first put me 
on the braille writer. I expressed almost from the beginning I wanted to 
use a computer instead of this clunky, metal, old contraption. They of 
course told me I needed to use it to learn braille and become a braille 
user. Yada, yada, yada.
Well, finally I managed to get my way and the school provided me with a 
new device called a braille and Speak from Blazie Engineering. I used 
the school's for a while, and got my local Lion's club to see how 
wonderful a device it was so they baught me one for school and hopefully 
college. After I got my own BNS it went everywhere with me. On the bus, 
to school, to the store, on vacations, you name it. It was almost like 
borg implanted to my person, and I didn't give it up until I managed to 
get a laptop with JFW and Eloquence on it around 1998 or so.

Bryan wrote:
> The Echo was also my first synthe Then came JFD with a Braille 'N Speak 
> providing speech. The BNS was probably even worse than the Echo in terms of 
> speech quality.
> Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
> ----- Original Message ----- 

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