Hi Thomas,

Yeah, I started writing computer video games like in 1981 on a Texas 
Instruments 99 4A home computer.  The first games were draw poker, Star Mule 
and Homer on a Harley (Eval Kneval)  I then got my first talking computer in 
December of 1989.  It was a NEC 286 with an Accent S A running Jaws for dos 
version 1.  The first program that I wrote was a braille reference guide.  I 
wrote it in January 1990 while at the Cleveland Sight Center.  Anna Karr my 
braille instructor helped me to make sure that it was all correct.  Then I 
wrote black jack and draw poker.  Those games were on the Jaws web site slash 

No, I did not like the bookshelf game Futile.  I very much liked the bookshelf 
game Twixt though.  I think that my Brother and Sister cheated at Futile 
because they couldn't beat me at chess or Twixt. <grin>



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(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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