Hi Shaun,
Well, how much you have to spend on a new key depends on the developer. 
BSC has a very fair policy about handling new keys, and key 
replacements. So does GMA. Microsoft is one of the companies that screws 
you royally for a new product key, and one of the reasons I am beginning 
to use more Linux software. I am tired of their draconian policies.
Like a lot of honest people I do not mind paying for software. What I do 
mind is paying through the nose to get a new key for it if I get a new 
laptop or replace a motherboard in a desktop computer. That is a 
rediculous and unfare policy MS has regarding their Windows products.
It is one thing if you have to pay $35 for a new accessible game and 
quite another if you have to pay $120 or more for a new key for Windows 
Home Basic.

shaun everiss wrote:
> thats true all the activations and checks windows has.
> ok if you have the net and ok if its the same system but If you have another 
> system unless you are ditching the system that the product was on you have to 
> buy another licence, which costs as much as the full product.
> I sertainly think this is real unfair for software companies to do this, 
> And in that case I wouldn't be happy since I had a copy of the software, I 
> also hate the fact laptops lock keys to the serials, i have dead laptops and 
> desktops with xp on them.
> These coppies are useless for that reason.

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