Yeah I know, but well it is what it is.
I for example have an emergency copy of xp.
This to be used if I ever run into issues betwene systems or someone else runs 
into issues.
This will allow me to get what I would need in say a few weeks rather than 
right at this instant but yeah I know.
At 10:13 a.m. 27/07/2008, you wrote:
>Hi Shaun,
>I do understand their logic, but still it doesn't make it right. I can't 
>afford to buy a brand new car, but I can't just walk to the nearist car 
>dealership and expect to steel a new car just because I can't pay for 
>it. Although there is a major price diference between a new car and a 
>new version of Windows. At some point steeling is steeling no matter how 
>you want to justify it.
>shaun everiss wrote:
>> I understand that part most software will not allow you to crack, decompile 
>> modify, or anything like that.
>> However its a pitty you can't easily transfer stuff betwene your home 
>> systems when they change.
>> Ok i can see the other viewpoint however I must say that I understand why 
>> the every day pirate feels justified, heck if I couldn't afford this stuff 
>> I'd feel justified.
>> Its only because the laptops have their own copy and the fact that ebay 
>> exists that I don't and even then In the past I have been slow to buy 
>> expensive software, lets just say that.
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